Riparian Restoration Rebate Program
This rebate program is designed to streamline the planning process for riparian restoration projects (streamside revegetation projects). The scope of these projects are small-scale (1 acre or less) and focus on the removal of invasive species (such as blackberry) and native species replanting, with supplemental irrigation. No instream or engineering projects are eligible for these funds.
By planting native trees and shrubs in the riparian zone on your property, you provide numerous benefits to your property such as stabilizing streambanks and slowing flood waters. Native species also improve habitat for birds, mammals, fish and other aquatic animals, and protect the water quality of our beautiful streams.

The Riparian Restoration Rebate Program may be applied for at any time. Review the Riparian Restoration Rebate Program packet below to help assess your eligibility. Please contact Clint Nichols for more information.
Resource Links:
Riparian Restoration Rebate Program ApplicationLocal OrdinancesInvasive Weed - Himalayan BlackberryInvasive Weed - Poison HemlockInvasive Weed - English IvyInvasive Weed - Common TeaselOSU Riparian Planting GuideOSU Guide to Native Streamside Trees and ShrubsNon-Preferential Contractor List.pdfLocal and Regional Nurseries.pdf