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Ron Hillers, Secretary/Treasurer, Director Zone 5

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Ron Moved to Oregon in 2006, as a retired Civil and Mechanical Engineer. His educational background includes an Associate Degree as a Professional Engineer, a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering.

Upon graduation from the University of Kansas in 1964, Ron found a job working for Wilson & Company Engineering in Salina, Kansas. Two years later, he was hired by Westinghouse Electric Corp and helped set up a new lamp manufacturing plant in Salina. While working with Westinghouse he relocated to Paris, Texas and then to Bath, New York. In 1983 Philips Lighting acquired the Westinghouse Lighting Division, who after 5 years transferred him to Juarez, Mexico where he worked until retiring in 1998.

After shoeing horses part-time for 25 years as a Professional Certified Farrier, he took advantage of his retirement to fulfill a lifelong dream of working as a full-time farrier. He continued working in this field until he, and his wife Pam, moved to Ashland, Oregon in 2006.

In his spare time he works on his property, outside of Ashland. Ron is currently working on eliminating yellow starthistle and propagating oak savannas, bunch grasses, antelope bushes, and other native plants. He also works with Southern Oregon Research and Extension Center, creating and implementing the Land Steward Program. In November, 2012, he was elected to the Jackson Soil and Water Conservation District’s Board and recently put JSWCD strategies to work, planning and installing a water catchment system on his land.

Current Term of Service: 2024-2028