Farm And Ranch Resource Management (FARRM)
Accepted: October 28, 2004
Article I
Name and Purpose
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be: Farm And Ranch Resource Management (FARRM)
Section 2. The purpose of this organization shall be:
- To promote, assist, and perpetuate land and livestock stewardship activities that improve soil and water quantity and quality, while optimizing agricultural production goals and/or rural lifestyles in Jackson County.
- To promote and support Jackson Soil and Water Conservation District (JSWCD) and OSU Jackson County Extension Service and other organizations outreach and educational activities that enhance land and livelihood.
- To promote and perpetuate the availability of progressive land and livestock management techniques to the community.
- To promote, support and execute fund-raising and educational projects throughout the year. These funds would be used primarily for the promotion of land and livestock management techniques.
- To provide input and support for environmental and economic issues of concern to the membership.
- To engage in other activities that are consistent with the Constitution and By-laws of this organization.
Article II
Type of Organization and Affiliation
Section 1. This is a not-for profit organization. The organization shall be financially and otherwise self-supporting by virtue of dues, fund-raising activities, and donated labor by members or individuals associated with members.
Section 2. This organization shall maintain an affiliation and coordination with OSU Jackson County Extension Service and Jackson Soil and Water Conservation District and coordinate with recognized agricultural associations, as required.
Article III
Section 1. Dues Paying Members include, but are not limited to, landowners and/or managers with natural resource, production and related economic concerns.
Section 2. Annual dues shall be decided at each Annual Meeting.
Article IV
Governing Body
Section 1. The governing body of this organization shall be the officers, elected by the active membership. The officers shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian/Reporter.
Section 2. The term of office shall be two years, with a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms. Any officer may be reelected to the same or other office for the following year, not to exceed two (2) consecutive years.
Section 3. Duties of the President shall be to provide leadership to the group, preside over all meetings, appoint committees and perform other duties normally deferred to the President.
Section 4. Duties of the Vice President shall include: Support of the President, presiding over all meetings in the absence of the President, and program development coordinator.
Section 5. Respective duties of the Secretary shall be designated by the President. Such duties shall include: Keeping a record of meetings and other activities of the group, reporting minutes of meetings and executing general correspondence for the group at large.
Section 6. The Treasurer shall have the responsibility for safekeeping of all funds and properties of the group. Other duties shall include: Estimating, recording and reporting revenues, expenditures and associated cash flow, making timely payments of obligations of the group, and keeping the membership informed about the financial status of the group.
Section 7. The Historian/Reporter shall make a report of the activities of the group and provide for its preservation. This position is responsible for the publicity of the group.
Article V
Section 1. The Annual Meeting shall be held in January of each year.
Section 2. Meetings of the group shall be held monthly on a fixed date or as directed by the President. These meetings shall be open to the public. The Telephone Committee will be responsible, upon notification by the President, for notifying members of the date and time changes of special meetings. Meetings will be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 3. Other meetings of the group at large will be held for conducting business and for continuing education in natural resource/livestock and other topics related to activities of the organization.
Article VI
Election of Officers
Section 1. The President will appoint a Nominating Committee by the end of November. Office nominations will also be accepted from the floor, during the annual meeting. This Committee will secure consent of nominees to hold office and to serve as Board members-at-large for the ensuing year. This Committee will notify the Secretary of the designated nominees. Officers will be elected or reviewed by the membership at the Annual Meeting.
Article VII
Standing Committees
Section 1. To facilitate activities of the Group, the President shall appoint persons to certain committees to assume designated functions, to meet the goals and objectives of the organization, throughout the tenure of the existing officers.
Article VIII
Section 1. These By-laws may be amended at any regular meeting by a three-fourths vote of the members present, providing the amendment has been presented and read at the previous meeting.
Article IX
Dissolution of the Group
Section 1. In the event that the Group ceases to function and dissolves itself, all assets, after obligations and expenses of the group have been satisfied, shall be transferred equally to the affiliate organizations, as stated in Article II, Section 2, which are tax exempt organizations. In no event shall any of the assets be distributed to any organization which does not qualify as exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) or Section 115 of the Internal Revenue Code.